That’s Not Cool


Dear H,

It is not cool to cry in Starbucks.

It’s not cool to let a tear roll down your cheek… so keep tears in… near your eyelids.  Let them hang out there right on the edge of your eyes.  Just don’t let them fall, don’t let them roll.

It is not cool to cry in Starbucks.

Tears for failure.

Tears for the past.

Tears for today.

Tears for now.

It’s not cool to cry in Starbucks.  Don’t let anyone know.

The mixture of sad and happy is so strange and confusing.

Good things mixed with bad things.

Memories fighting dreams.

Dreams fighting reality.

It’s not cool to cry in Starbucks.

Second chances come late sometimes.

Second chances take time sometimes.

Stepping up to the starting line once again… seems late to start over… sometimes seems too late.

Wondering… is there still time to run the race again?

It is not cool to cry in Starbucks.

Where has the time gone?

I can’t afford to stay here any longer because I have a life to run, a race to live.

Thus far the sun has risen over 17-thousand times since God breathed life into my lungs.  I have seen some of them.

I am going to see more of them from now on.  I will pause and see more, do less and be more.

It’s not cool to cry in Starbucks.  Maybe no one notices.  Keep them high.  Don’t let them fall.  Let them hang out on the cusp and slowly retreat back inside because it’s not cool to cry in Starbucks.





Those tears are  precious to your Savior.  In fact, He saves them.  I’m not sure why but He does and they are.

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”  Psalm 56:8

More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist