Give it up…


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We are in a series called Give It Up!  Rick Warren and his church have pointed us toward some truth and Hope and we want to pass it on to you.

Sunday we said everyone suffers from life. We have all been hurt and we have hurt others. We all have hurts, habits and hang ups.  Because of that, we try to control things.  We try to control them.  We try to control and manage our environments, people around us and ourselves.  But we find out something important.  We can’t control and manage these things.  We are powerless.  If we could have made things better, we already would have.  

That desire to control and manage everything is our desire to play God.  And we fail every time.  So… we must stop denying we have a problem and admit it to God.  Yes, I have this (be specific) problem and I’m powerless to change.  It has power over me.  

Today… Start there.  Step out of denial and admit you can’t do this on your own.   This is the reality.  Admit it today.

God, I admit I’m powerless to change my past.

God, I admit I’m powerless to control others.

God, I admit I’m powerless to cope with my harmful habits, behaviors and actions.

Check back tomorrow.


More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist