Where is the Light?


where is the Light

Yesterday, the sunrise was perhaps the most beautiful Vanessa and I have seen in six months.  I wish my picture could represent it well; however, this picture does not come close to the light I saw.  The bright yellow… somehow it was a fire red… spectacular!  My camera could not capture the amazing brilliance accurately.  Some days the light is obvious, bold, amazing, impossible to miss (unless you are sleeping).  I love days like yesterday.

Today, where is the light?  I know it is there somewhere but it is tucked deep behind the clouds and rain this morning.  The extreme beauty is not revealed but the light still comes through.  I can still easily see outside today.  Today does not carry the same emotional feeling which yesterday held.

Can it be that most of our lives are not lived within the emotionally high experiences?  If you are like me, those days happen but not often.  Most of my days are like today with the light visible but tucked behind some kind of emotional weather.  I can see to take my steps but they don’t feel the same and I don’t feel the same about them.

It is easy for us to follow Jesus closely on our emotionally bright days.  It is easy for us to feel His presence and bask in His light and stay on track with each step of our lives through the decisions we make on emotionally light days. But that is no easy task on emotionally dim days.  We have what we need to see as we take steps and make decisions.  We should be able to stay close to Jesus because we can still see with plenty of available light even though the brilliance is hidden behind the emotional clouds.  Sadly we often use the available light to find something else to do, to focus on, to give ourselves to in hopes that we will feel better.  Instead of following Jesus with the available, adequate (even though not amazingly brilliant) light… we follow anything else looking to feel better…  anything… anyone… any substance… any chemical… any mood changer… any mood enhancer will do and none of those things will take us closer to His light.

Make a decision everyday to stay close to Jesus, walking with Him using whatever amount of light is available on any given day.  If we follow the Light, stay close to the light, the brilliance will come.  But if we simply use the light to look around and find something, anything offering temporary relief… we will forever be lost in the dim light with content always being out of reach.

Where is the light?  It is there… keep following Him closely today.

Stay close.


More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist