

Addiction. Defeat. Destruction.

Of all the tortures of hurt and pain available to the evil one, addiction must be among his mightiest.  The soul who carries the pain of addiction carries many lifetimes of hurt. The precious wounded journeyer is romanced by promises of better times and pain left behind.  Addiction seductively kisses the lips of the addict with the hope of freedom from the torment of life and comfort if one simply takes addiction by the hand and gives oneself away.  Addiction...

6 Forgiveness Steps On Your Journey

Step 6 Consider the possibility of reconciliation: Forgiveness is something that can happen unilaterally; it is something we can do all by ourselves without the other person cooperating with it or even being aware of it.  Reconciliation is different… two must be involved.  Reconciliation is the ideal outcome of forgiveness when it is possible.  But it is not always possible. Consider buying the book “Forgiving our parents, forgiving ourselves” by David Stoop.  This book will help you continue your journey...

6 Forgiveness Steps On Your Journey

Step 5 Cancel the debt: As we have worked through our injuries and emotions we may have felt a sense of someone owing us something.  That is useful because it helps us identify where we are holding our emotional IOU’s and where we need to forgive.  It might help to do something physical as you cancel the emotional debts… maybe you should take the list of hurts/wrongs and write canceled across them.  Some have even burned the list to show...

6 Forgiveness Steps On Your Journey

Step 4 Set boundaries to protect yourself: Boundaries are like fences, they set limits.  As you walk through the steps of forgiveness it may be helpful to set some boundaries to give yourself safe space in which to work.  Often these boundaries have to do with the way we relate to others and or the way they relate to us.  For example, we might decide, “From now on I will decline to accept my mother’s suggestion on what I should...